Blackstar ID Core 40 v3 40W Guitar Combo Amp

  • Product Code: Blackstar ID Core 40 v3 40W Guitar Combo Amp
  • Availability: 4
  • $269.99

Blackstar ID Core 40 v3 40W Guitar Combo Amp

***Located in our Kingston MA store Music Unlimited

6-channel guitar amp ideal for beginning players.

The ID:CORE 40 V3 from Blackstar is designed to make live streaming and recording easier than ever. The TRRS line output allows you to send audio directly to a smartphone to live stream while you play. The Cab Rig next generation Emulated Output features user controls for cabinet and room environment to fine-tune the direct sound that works best for you while deep editing software makes it easy to dial in the perfect tone.


  • 40W programmable combo with enhanced features
  • 6 voices and 12 super wide stereo effects
  • Live streaming TRRS output for easy use with smartphones
  • Cab Rig software with controls for cabinet. room, and more
  • Low noise hardware for improved sound quality
  • Ergonomic molded handle in the back of the unit
  • Editing software for deeper control

Order the ID:Core 40 V3 today.

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The ID:CORE 40 V3 from Blackstar is designed to make live streaming and recording easier than ever. The TRRS line output allows you to send audio directly to a smartphone to live stream while you play. The Cab Rig next generation Emulated Output features user controls for cabinet and room environment to fine-tune the direct sound that works best for you while deep editing software makes it easy to dial in the perfect tone


  • 40W programmable combo with enhanced features
  • 6 voices and 12 super wide stereo effects
  • Live streaming TRRS output for easy use with smartphones
  • Cab Rig software with controls for cabinet. room, and more
  • Low noise hardware for improved sound quality
  • Ergonomic molded handle in the back of the unit
  • Editing software for deeper control



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